Password Vault

Password Vault is an offline desktop application project using JavaFx. It can be used to store all your username, passwords for different accounts. The username, password will be stored in MySQL Database. So, a MySQL Database is needed.
Step by step procedure, about how to use Password Vault:
1.      Install MySQL Database. Set username and password of your choice at the time of installation. The default username is root but there is no default password. If you do not set username and password at the time of installation, your username will be root and password will be blank.

2.      Download Password Vault. Download link is in down below.

3.      Double click on Password Vault.exe. Application logo will be opened first.
Application logo

4.      A few seconds later first window of the application will open. The default user name is pwvlt and default password is 12345 for user authentication. As of now, this default user name and password can’t be changed. Enter user name and password and select Log in.

First window

First window

5.      If everything is ok, a second window will open. Enter your MySQL user name and password for MySQL Database authentication (example: my user name is mySql). If you did not set user name and password at the time of installation, enter root as username and keep the password field blank. Then select Submit.

Second window

Second window

6.      If everything is ok, a third window will open.  Enter Account name and password related to the account. Example: Let’s you have a Gmail account. Gmail id is, and Gmail password is, 123. So, you can put like this, Account name: Gmail (, Password: 123. Enter those and select Save.  If everything is ok and you enter right user name and password for MySQL Database, your account details will be stored in database.

Third Window

Third window

 7.      Then select Display. A table will open and you can see that your account details is stored properly.


I have documented this project in a book format. Book name is,

Project #1 Password Vault
JavaFx & JDBC Coding

Book Cover:
For preview of this book, visit the following link, Password Vault - JavaFx & JDBC Coding | A Mini Project
I will request all of my readers to see this preview. If you are interested, you can buy this book from,  (Kindle edition) (both Kindle edition and paperback)


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